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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Change Your Perspective

Perspective is everything. As much as one gets tired of flying around, one never gets tired of looking out the window at 35000feet and things seem so far away, it’s a different perspective. You look at these little houses and acreages of land and you think for every little house somebody had to work very hard to get a mortgage or paid for or some deal.  And you get up 3500-40000feet and you look down it all seems small.

Perspective really is important. When we read psalms 73 the psalmist was complaining “why does the wicked man prosper” and he was kind of complaining about everything. In verse 11 he says, “Does God realize what is going on? Is the most high even aware of what is happening? “I wonder if you have ever asked that question. I have. God you know what is going on? Are you even aware of what is happening to me?

What I want to encourage you is that God hasn’t forgotten you he hasn’t forgotten where you live and He is very aware of what is happening. But sometimes our perspectives need to change. The psalmist goes on and finally in verse 17 of psalms 73 he says, “Then one day I went into your sanctuary o God.” And you know what from that point on everything changed.

In the rest of the chapter he goes on to say “Whom have I in heaven but you I desire nothing more than you. My heart and strength they may fail but God is the strength of my life. In verse 28 but as for me how good it is to be near God. I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do. Talk about a 180 degree turn. The psalmist went from wondering…”where are you God?” to saying “You are everything to me and will tell the world about your goodness.” How did that happen? One day he went into the sanctuary of God.

I want to encourage you today if you are depressed if you are scared if you are looking at all the problems facing you.  I want to challenge you to just take a few moments and go into Gods presence. Go to the sanctuary. Spend some time worshipping God and your perspective will change. God hasn’t forgotten you he is always faithful and His word is always true. God bless you!

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