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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


As the saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” but that leaves me wondering about the journey of a million miles. Does it begin with 1000 steps? Those are the thoughts that seem to be going through my mind I’m sure the thoughts have gone through your mind too. This is because there are endeavors in life we have embarked on which years later seem to have stalled. That prompts one to ask whether the above saying needs to be qualified. Could it be that the journey begins not only with one step but one step towards the destination your want to go to.
Therein lie’s our greatest challenge. Being able to establish the destination we want to end up in. I have heard of people who started and went on a journey very successfully only to find out, towards the end, that they had taken the wrong journey. Such people are forced to go back to the beginning and start the right journey. I have therefore come to a conclusion that this journey of 1000miles begins with one step in the right direction.
We therefore should seek to know which journey in life we should take. Being sure you are on the right journey enables one to confidently overcome all the obstacles that most certainly will stand in your path. The challenges we face in the journey of life can be categorized into two; struggles within and without us. My life experiences have taught me that the hardest struggles are the ones against our selves. We are always wondering whether we are capable enough to successfully finish the journey. How will we be received by people in the different stages of the journey of life?
I therefore have come to one conclusion. How you deal with your inner challenges will to a large extent depend on your attitude. If you strongly believe that you have the strength and ability to finish the journey then you definitely will finish. I have learned to do so. What you’ll need is the company of like minded individuals to encourage you in your journey
The journey of life therefore has to begin with many steps in the right direction.

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